日期 :2017年7月3日(星期一)
时间 :8.30am-10.00am
地点 :新纪元大学学院B栋2楼203室
专门研究中国思想、文化、明代史、东亚儒学、华人宗教与民俗。出版专着有《明史散论》、《明成祖史论》、《儒学传统与思想变迁》、《道教简述》、《丘浚评传》等,并为新加坡国立大学《汉学论丛》、北京《国际中国文化研究文库》、欧洲 Ming Qing Studies、日本 Journal of Cultural Interactions in East Asia 等丛书及学报担任编辑。李教授同时为中国武汉大学、南京大学、湖北大学客座教授。学术工作以外,李教授亦受委担任新加坡总统宗教和谐理事会理事、新加坡媒体管理局华文节目咨询委员会主席、新加坡族谱学会副会长。
Title:Controversies over the Queue in the Early 20th Century Penang:
Exploring Chineseness in the Multi-ethnic Society
Date: 13 September 2017 (Wednesday)
Time: 3.00pm – 5.00pm
Venue: New Era University College, Block B, G Floor Meeting Room
Language: English
Organizer: Tan Lark Sye Institute, New Era University College
Associate Professor Kaori Shinozaki, She holds a Ph.D. in the University of Tokyo. She had served as a researcher at the Japan Information Service in the Embassy of Japan (Malaysia). Her major papers include “Privileged Subjects Unification of the Straits Chinese and Banishment Ordinance in 1890s”, “Controversy over queue cutting in Singapore in 1898-Life, Death, and Multi-ethnic Environment” and “The Foundation of the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce in 1903: protecting Chinese business interests in the two states”.